The Show Financial Reflection


The YMOM Show

 Our video inspired by Bruce Lee’s wisdom: “Rather than showering your children with possessions you never owned, instill in them the knowledge you were never imparted. While material things deteriorate, knowledge remains.” We’ve reimagined this timeless wisdom to emphasize the importance of financial education for our children.

Your go-to guide for personal finance where not only do we explore crucial financial concepts, but we also react to social media posts on financial topics. We’ll dive into key areas such as budgeting, emergency funds, debt management, and the much-ignored but essential topic of credit scores. As we react to real-world social media posts and videos, we’ll witness firsthand the common misconceptions and pitfalls people encounter. Together, we’ll navigate these topics, debunk myths, and reveal practical strategies, empowering ourselves to take control of our personal finances and understand the profound impact these elements have on our financial health.

FREE consulting*, a $975 value
with a Tax Specialist who has over 20 years of tax and financial experience




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Help yourself, share your story to help others

What You Will Learn:

In this video, we encourage you to equip your kids with financial literacy, a subject often overlooked in traditional education. Here are some key takeaways viewers can expect:

  • Understanding the concept of money: its value, how it’s earned, and its purpose.
  • Learning about savings and the importance of setting aside money for future needs.
  • Grasping the basics of budgeting: how to allocate money wisely.
Happier life made!
Help yourself, share your story to help others

What You Will Learn:

This brief video on capital gains tax is crucial because it helps you understand how your investment profits are taxed. Gaining this knowledge is key to making informed investment decisions, strategizing your asset sales, and potentially minimizing your tax liabilities. Don’t let taxes surprise you; learn in advance and plan smarter.

  • What capital gains tax is and when it’s applicable.
  • The difference between short-term and long-term capital gains.
  • How the holding period of an asset affects the tax rate.
  • The concept of ‘tax basis’ and how it’s used to calculate capital gains.
  • How capital gains tax can impact investment returns.
  • Basic strategies for managing and minimizing capital gains tax.
Happier life made!
Help yourself, share your story to help others

What You Will Learn:

Watch this reaction video to witness a young girl making a wise financial decision by returning some of her toys to save money. This video offers valuable insights into the importance of making informed financial choices from an early age and the impact this can have on financial well-being.

  • Understand the importance of conscious spending and making smart financial choices.
  • Learn about the value of saving and how small decisions can lead to big savings.
  • See practical examples of financial literacy in action.
  • Gain insights into how to foster financial awareness in children.
  • Understand the impact of these lessons for long-term financial health.
  • Get inspired to make better financial decisions in your own life. 

*Consulting is during video recording only(limited to about 2 to 3 hours) provided by Brand Your Company LLC.  This is not intended to completely resolve your situation.  You may need additional help with separate engagement elsewhere or with one of our affiliated companies. 

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